Dear Parent/Carer,
As part of our commitment to working closely with parents, I would like to invite you to attend our virtual Year 8 Parents’ Evening. All Year 8 subject teachers will be available to discuss your child’s progress, engagement with lessons and where appropriate suitability for KS4 options on Thursday 18th March from 4pm until 7pm. Appointments can be made from Thursday 4th March from 4pm and will close on 17th March at 4pm.
To book appointments for your child please visit: (A guide on how to book appointments is included with this letter). You will need to login with the following information:
- Your name and the email address registered with the school
- Your child’s name and date of birth
A guide on how to access the video appointments on the evening of the event is also attached. Once you have logged on to prior to your first appointment the video link will begin automatically. Please be advised that appointments will last five minutes and after this time the appointment will automatically be disconnected to allow for the next appointment to commence. This is necessary for the system to work and to allow teachers to keep to their tight schedule.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Yours faithfully,
Mr L. Savage
Deputy Headteacher