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SEND Support at Sharples

The SEND Team consists of the SENDCo, Assistant SENDCo, two Higher Level Teaching Assistants and ten teaching assistants.  There is also an Education Health Care Worker who supports pupils with medical needs and physical difficulties.  This means that all pupils have the necessary support to enable them to access the full curriculum and participate fully in the school community.

We have two intervention rooms where pupils are supported to make accelerated progress in a particular area, with short-term, intensive, bespoke 1:1 or small group interventions.  We have members of the team who are trained in phonics, literacy, SEMH and behaviour support.  Children in Year 7 can also benefit from our Thrive Transition Programme, which provides additional support in the change from primary to secondary school.

We work closely with other professionals and outside agencies to ensure we cater for the specific needs of pupils. We also have strong links with primary schools and colleges to ensure we know the needs of the children before they arrive and provide them with the best transition to their post-16 pathway.

Further information about SEND support can be found at the Bolton SEND Local Offer and by reading our SEN Information Report.

SENCo: Mrs J Thomas

Visual Impairments

The Resource Base for Children with a Visual Impairment at Sharples works closely with school to ensure our pupils can get the most out of each lesson and work safely alongside their peers. Resources are adapted and made tactile to suit the needs of each pupil into Large Print or Braille.

All our Teaching Assistants have been trained to support pupils with VI. A Qualified Teacher of the Visually Impaired and a Mobility Specialist deliver the specialist curriculum to ensure the children can be independent young people when they start further education.