Performing Arts
‘Doubt is the enemy of creativeness’ – Konstantin Stanislavski
Our curriculum ambition and aspirational culture is to provide an academic Drama curriculum that develops knowledge, skills and cultural capital, “the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens” Ofsted. The coherent planning is sequenced to enable pupils to collaborate creatively and to confidently present their ideas to an audience – pupils develop the essential skills; reading, writing and oracy. Our aim is to develop pupil’s interpersonal skills and to stimulate their imaginations to explore issues beyond their own experiences, in a safe and supportive environment. We strive to create the very best communicators, thinkers and confident performers.
At Sharples School Drama is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject, which prepares young people to live and work with confidence, promoting independence and resilience in the wider world. Our broad and balanced curriculum centres on social and communication skills which enables all pupils to enjoy and achieve, promoting character, personal, social, physical, spiritual, moral and cultural development. Our curriculum is designed to promote creativity, empathy and problem-solving skills.
Drama is a statutory part of English in the National Curriculum and we strive to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to participate, gain knowledge, skills and understanding through artistic practice. All pupils study Drama at KS2 and KS3 before opting for Performing Arts at KS4, embedding creativity across the curriculum.
The meticulously designed Drama curriculum at Sharples School encourages pupils to read widely and often, to participate in extra-curricular clubs/activities/events/trips, and to foster an appreciation for Arts and Culture.