What if we have no online capability or devices for my child to work online at home?
It is important that you let school know if this is the case and we may be able to help. Contact your child’s SLT Link and let them know you are having difficulty accessing the work (see key contacts section).
Where can I find the live lesson links for Google Meet?
Students can find links shared with them via their school email and/or Satchel One.
Who do I contact if I have an issue with the work set?
In the first instance you should contact your year coordinator. They will pass any issues on to your teacher to resolve.
How does my child submit their work?
The details on how to submit work will be made clear by the distance learning instructions
Will I be contacted about my child’s progress with Distance Learning?
During a prolonged period of distance learning we will endeavour to maintain our commitment to our annual schedule of formal feedback via reports to parents. In addition school staff will contact individual parents/carers if there is an issue linked to your child’s learning and progress. In the first instance, this communication will be by telephone or email. Regular updates from the Headteacher will be sent via MCAS which is sent as a text or email directly to your mobile phone. You must be signed up to MCAS to receive these updates (see below).
What do I do if I am having problems with MCAS or BROMCOM Student Portal?
Contact Mr Jackson by email on S.Jackson@sharplesschool.co.uk and explain what the issue is.
How do I sign up to My Child At School to ensure I am receiving parental updates?
If you are unable to log in to My Child At School, please click on the following link and complete the form – https://forms.gle/cp85BKNyzsGU446C6