Mrs C Wood
Assistant Head Teacher in charge of Pastoral care
Email: c.wood@sharplesschool.co.uk
“Pastoral care is at the heart of everything we do here at Sharples. We believe that every child deserves the very best life chances and strive to ensure that this happens every day. Our pastoral care takes a holistic view of the child and provides wrap around support for any child who will benefit from it.” – Mrs Wood
Year 7

Miss J Roberts
Year Co-ordinator for Year 7
Email: j.roberts1@sharplesschool.co.uk

Mrs J Thomas
SLT Link to Year 7
Email: j.thomas@sharplesschool.co.uk
“My role is to make sure that not only are students achieving, but that every student is happy, safe and genuinely enjoys their journey here at Sharples School. I will help students overcome barriers to learning and any additional problems they have. I am always on hand to listen to students. Year 7 is a crucial year for them, so we must ensure their time here at Sharples is a pleasant one. We work hard to support all our students, and my role is to be on hand with whatever support they need.” – Miss Roberts
Year 8

Mr N Sharples
Year Co-Ordinator for Years 8
Email: n.sharples@sharplesschool.co.uk

Miss S Curzon
SLT Link to Year 8
Email: s.curzon@sharplesschool.co.uk
“My main aim is to make sure all students have a happy, smooth and fun transition into Year 8. I want to ensure I can support them as much as possible as I know there are a lot of changes they will face throughout this academic year.” – Mr Sharples
Year 9

Miss L Edwards-Edge
Year Co-Ordinator for Year 9
Email: l.edwardsedge@sharplesschool.co.uk

Mrs F Khan
SLT Link to Year 9
Email: f.khan@sharplesschool.co.uk
“Year 9 is a crucial year where students pick which subjects they are going to carry through to GCSE. My role is to guide students through this important year academically but also socially and personally. I am always available for the students to listen to them and support them to overcome any barriers they may have during their time at Sharples. My aim is to operate a firm but fair approach allowing students to be happy, safe and successful.” – Miss Edwards Edge
Year 10

Miss E Cookson
Year Co-Ordinator for Year 10
Email: e.cookson@sharplesschool.co.uk

Mr S Jackson
SLT Link to Year 10
Email: s.jackson@sharplesschool.co.uk
“Year 10 is a pivotal year for our students at Sharples School as they begin to embark on their career pathways and start their GCSE courses. Our focus is to guide and develop students academically and personally, to provide support and encouragement that will ensure they make excellent progress that will enable them to continue to build on the good foundations for their transition into key stage 4.” – Miss Cookson
Year 11

Miss B Chisholm
Year Co-Ordinator for Year 11
Email: b.chisholm@sharplesschool.co.uk

Mr L Savage
SLT Link to Year 11
Email: l.savage@sharplesschool.co.uk
“Year 11 is a pivotal year in the academic and personal development of students at Sharples School. At the end of the year they will sit their final GCSE exams and make key decisions about their futures. We provide an unparalleled level of pastoral care during this time, ensuring all students are confident in their abilities and ready to succeed.” – Miss Chisholm
Pastoral Support

Mrs J Gregory
Inclusion Manager
Email: j.gregory@sharplesschool.co.uk
In my role, I aim to support and promote an inclusive culture throughout the school, enabling all students to achieve their best, overcoming barriers to learning and participation.

Mrs K Burke
Attendance & Admissions Officer
Email: k.burke@sharplesschool.co.uk
In my role as The Attendance Officer, I work alongside key school staff in school to promote excellent attendance, reduce levels of absence and work with students and families to promote high levels of attendance. It is important to:
• Promote and support high levels of attendance.
• To support students in achieving their full academic potential.
• Promote a positive attendance and punctuality culture.
• Form strong relationships with parents/carers

Mrs J Thomas
Email: j.thomas@sharplesschool.co.uk
In my role I:
• Support the identification of children with special educational needs.
• Co-ordinate provision for children with SEN.
• Liaise with parents / guardians of children with SEN.
• Liaise with other providers, outside agencies, educational psychologists and external agencies.

Mr N Elston
Behaviour Mentor
Email: n.elston@sharplesschool.co.uk
I help our pupils ensure they are making the correct behaviour choices and understand the impact of their actions. We set personal targets to ensure they are accessing their full potential.