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We aim to provide our students with the knowledge, skills and qualities that will enable them to become successful citizens of the future. Sharples School aspires to be an outstanding school, a school where:

  • students make better than expected progress and attainment meets or exceeds national expectations;
  • attendance is excellent because lessons are exciting and the curriculum meets the needs of our young people meaning they want to come to school;
  • we are the first choice for Sharples families, not just for academic success but because we care about every child, use strategies to meet their individual needs and ensure no-one is left behind;
  • young people demonstrate a good relationship with our wider community and are held up as ambassadors and positive role models for others;
  • the best teachers and support staff want to work here;
  • a broad range of enrichment activities and trips enables our young people to experience things that may have otherwise been inaccessible to them.

Our Ethos: ‘Learn, Dream, Achieve’


We will:

  • provide high quality personalised learning using pedagogical expertise and curriculum innovation alongside the development of essential skills, knowledge and understanding, underpinned by a ‘growth mindset’ approach in all we do;
  • use our expertise in teaching and learning to develop quality CPD opportunities for our own teachers and those in our partnership / MAT.


We will:

  • promote a high expectations and no limits culture to raise aspirations and nurture ambition;
  • develop creativity and use our science and STEM expertise to promote opportunities within the global community;
  • encourage all our learners to ‘aim high’, and challenge the most able by extending links with the SFC, FE, HE, employers and other agencies to galvanise students’ ambition;
  • strengthen our multicultural heritage and community by modelling the ‘4Cs’ and British Values throughout our school.


We will:

  • secure the best possible outcomes for all students by maximising opportunities, from those with SEND to the most able;
  • use resources creatively to enhance strategies and secure sustained, improved outcomes over time so that all students make at least expected progress and increasingly, above and well above expected progress;
  • offer cultural experiences via trips and visits to broaden horizons and encourage learners to achieve and follow their dream.