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“The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.” –  Maria Montessori

Our curriculum is designed to help students to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals members of society. Our curriculum enables students to make responsible decisions about choices in their lives such as their health and relationships. Giving them the skills to succeed in their next stages in life and beyond. Our curriculum helps students to manage many of the most critical opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.

PSHE lessons are intended to engage students through high quality, evidence-based and age-appropriate teaching. PSHE lessons help prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of students, at school and in society.

PSHE lessons help students to identify their personal qualities, attitudes, skills, attributes and achievements and what influences these. To explore their attitudes, values and beliefs about them and develop the skills, language and strategies needed to manage any issues they encounter in their lives. Lessons help students to apply academic skills such as critical thinking and resilience, to their approach to the study of PSHE. Equip all students with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe and be able to communicate when they do not feel safe.

Key Concepts

Preparation for adulthood Relationships Health and Wellbeing Being safe


Key Stage 3 Overview

The KS3 curriculum provides students with opportunities to build on their learning experiences gained during Key Stage 2.

Year 7

  • Autumn term 1 = Society and Citizenship – What are our values?
  • Autumn term 2 = Health and Wellbeing – What is health?
  • Spring term 1 = Aspirations and Careers –
  • Spring term 2/Summer term 1 =  Relationships and Sexual Health – What is a positive relationship?
  • Summer term 2 = Planning Finances – Why do we need money?

Year 8

  • Autumn term 1 = Society and Citizenship – Is the UK a democracy?
  • Autumn term 2 = Health and Wellbeing – Why is it important to stay fit and healthy?
  • Spring term 1 = Aspirations and Careers
  • Spring term 2/Summer term 1=  Relationships and Sexual Health – How do I cope with peer pressure?
  • Summer term 2 = Planning Finances – How can I look after my money?

Year 9

  • Autumn term 1 = Society and Citizenship – What do we mean by rights?
  • Autumn term 2 = Health and Wellbeing – How do I look after my mental health?
  • Spring term 1 = Aspirations and Careers
  • Spring term 2/Summer term 1 =  Relationships and Sexual Health – How do my actions have consequences?
  • Summer term 2 = Planning Finances – What is the economy?

Key Stage 4 Overview

Year 10

  • Autumn term 1 = Society and Citizenship – What is the law?
  • Autumn term 2 = Health and Wellbeing – How do I stay positive?
  • Spring term 1 = Aspirations and Careers
  • Spring term 2/Summer term 1=   Relationships and Sexual Health – What are my rights and responsibilities?
  • Summer term 2 = Planning Finances – How can I keep my money safe?

Year 11

  • Autumn term 1 = Resilience
  • Autumn term 2 = Revision techniques

Home Learning

Learning beyond the classroom will involve students taking what they have learned in lessons and applying it to their everyday life.


Enrichment and other extracurricular activities

A wide range of external speakers visit the school to deliver additional assemblies and workshops.



Mr Poole, Director of PSHE