Religious Studies
“Differences were meant not to divide, but to enrich.” – J. H. Oldham
Our curriculum is designed to extend and deepen knowledge of a range of religious and secular beliefs, recognising their local, national and global context. It enables students to appreciate how beliefs influence the values and lives of individuals and groups, giving the opportunity to contemplate the nature of humanity.
Studying Religious Education (RE) will enable all students to explore how beliefs could have a significant impact on all aspects of life. This will be achieved through the development and use of core skills including interpretation, evaluation, and reasoning. Our curriculum provides opportunities for the development of personal viewpoints, encouraging students to articulate and respect a range of opinions and to analyse ethical issues. students will participate in balanced and meaningful discussions about morality.
The RE curriculum aims to broaden horizons and prepare students on their journey to become global citizens. The curriculum as a whole, is cohesive and builds students’ cultural capital, vocabulary, ability to question, their community spirit and sense of enquiry. Our curriculum is designed to be both diverse and inclusive.
RE Lessons engage, challenge and motivate. Students will develop a wide range of subject specific language and apply it confidently and flexibly. All lessons promote challenge and are based on high expectations of pupil outcomes. Students will Interpret religious text and apply it to religious belief and tradition.