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Our curriculum model is underpinned by the school motto, ‘Learn, Dream Achieve’ and our determination to support the individual and collective aspirations of all of our students throughout their time at Sharples.

The start of Key Stage 3 marks an exciting phase in the lives of our students. It is the period when they build on their primary education and prepare for their Key Stage 4 choices. We have designed our curriculum carefully, to meet the expectations of the National Curriculum and to do what is best for our students. We believe in the benefits of an ambitious, broad and balanced school experience and we run a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum, with subject choices made towards the end of Year 9 following a supportive and informative options programme.

The Key Stage 3 curriculum at Sharples School is designed so that students can master key skills and knowledge whilst building on the wonder and excitement of the many varied subjects we offer. Our students have access to a far-reaching and coherent curriculum that empowers students through learning, plus our strong core of English and maths ensures that basic skills are embedded early to allow students to flourish throughout their time with us. A range of learning pathways support and challenge all students and our exciting extra-curricular programme which ensures all students have access to catch-up, extension, clubs and enrichment.

Subjects studied and time allocations at KS3:

Subject Y7 (50 minute periods/week) Y8 (50 minute periods/week) Y9 (50 minute periods/week)
Maths 4 4 4
English 4 4 4
Science 4 4 4
Modern Foreign Languages 2 2 2
History 2 2 2
Geography 2 2 2
Religious Education 2 2 2
Art/ Music / Performing Arts 3 3 3
Design and Technology 2 2 2
Computing 2 2 2
Physical Education 2 2 2
PSHCE/ Form 1 1 1