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Below you will find further information on each subject that your child will engage with at Sharples. Directors of Subjects have provided additional information to support parents with their child’s learning whilst they are at Sharples.



Homework is set each Monday and is collected on Thursday for Y7 and Friday for Y8 and Y9 via Educake. Any changes to this will be communicated to students directly and shown on Student Portal. 

The HWK for Y7-Y10 is for retrieval and consolidation purposes. We make sure we quiz pupils on comprehension, language, poetry and spelling each half term. All the questions each week are based on knowledge from the current year and previous years. Feedback is given by classroom teachers on a weekly basis. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Monday afterschool.

All homework is set by Mrs Dedat (



Home learning is set fortnightly. 

Y7 – set Wednesday via MathsWatch and is due the following Wednesday. 

Y8 – set Thursday via MathsWatch and is due the following Thursday.

Y9 – set Tuesday via MathsWatch and is due the following Tuesday.

MathsWatch provides a video clip to support and gives instant feedback. Teachers review common errors in lessons. 

Home learning is used for consolidation of the topic currently being taught as well as retrieval of key skills from topics previously taught. Prior to assessments students are provided with resources to support their independent learning. 

There is an additional piece of optional homework each half term – project/investigative/creative type homework with reward points/prizes available to encourage creativity. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Thursday afterschool.

Y7 and Y8 homework is set by Mr Ryder (

Y9 homework is set by Mrs Mcawley (



Homework is set twice per unit- once at the midpoint and once at the end of the unit. It is always set on a Monday and due in on a Monday by 8:45am, regardless of whether you have History on that day. All homework is based on retrieval and knowledge from lessons. As well as instant feedback via Educake, students complete a feedback sheet in lessons. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Thursday after school. 

All homework is set by Miss K Boardman (



Home learning is set fortnightly on a Monday and due the following Sunday via Google Classroom. This provides links to Bookwidgets for retrieval and consolidation of classroom knowledge. As well as instant feedback via BookWidgets, students complete a feedback sheet in lessons. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Wednesday afterschool.

All homework is set by Mr A Barnes (


Religious Studies

Home learning  is set weekly at KS3. Pupils are usually given 1 week to complete, this may change depending on topic, type of task and timetable. Home learning is mostly submitted on paper, there are some Google Quiz tasks also. The tasks are designed to strengthen retrieval practice, consolidate learning, promote independent research, express creativity and prepare for topic assessments. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Wednesday after school. 

Each classroom teacher sets the homework for individual classes. 



Home learning is set on a Monday and is due the following Monday by 4pm via Educake. This occurs twice per half term to aid knowledge retrieval and computational thinking. As well as instant feedback via Educake, students receive feedback in lessons. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Wednesday afterschool.

All homework is set by Mr Capaldi (


Modern Foreign Languages

Homework is set weekly, due dates differ between classes. Homework is set online via Sentence Builders to consolidate knowledge from lessons. There are a range of activities set based on all 4 skills of listening; reading; speaking and writing. Pupils receive instant feedback via online platforms and staff challenge main misconceptions in lessons.

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Monday afterschool.

Each classroom teacher sets the homework for individual classes. 


Design and Technology (Graphics and Engineering)

Home learning is set once every three weeks via quizzes on Quizlet. KS3 homework on Quizlet is mainly retrieval practice and occasionally for introducing new terms. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Monday afterschool.

Each classroom teacher sets the homework for individual classes. 


Design and Technology (Food and Textiles) 

Home learning is set on Fridays, this is due the following Thursday for an 11 p.m deadline via Google Classroom. This is to aid retrieval, creativity and to engage students with curriculum based reading. 

Detentions for incomplete homework take place on a Monday afterschool.

Y7 and Y8 Food Technology homework is set by Mrs N Waters (

Y9 Food Technology homework is set by Mrs V Farnworth (

Y7 and Y8 Textiles  homework is set by Mrs C Tonge (

Y9 Textiles homework is set by Miss N Seels (



Home learning is set fortnightly on a Monday and due the following Monday. Homework is set via Google Classroom to aid retrieval and consolidation of classroom knowledge. Students receive in class feedback on commonly missed questions. 

All homework is set by Mr R.Poole (


Physical Education

KS3 homework is set once per term via EverLearner. 

The importance of home learning in PE  is to educate students on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Retrieval of knowledge is used to test students in the checkpoints. Topics such as diet and nutrition are covered. KS3 students get a score immediately given to them after completing the checkpoint. Students go into the theatre after each term and have a presentation going through the thinking points from the theory learnt and also giving feedback on the performance and addressing any misconceptions from the homework.  

All homework is set by Miss L Alexander (