Black History Month
Science at Sharples is celebrating the contributions of Black scientists by inviting students to design a creative bunting design to be displayed in the STEM centre. For inspiration, come and see the bunting that is already on display. Please submit your entries to Mrs. Heaton by Friday 4th November. A prize will be awarded for the best entry.
Miss Melmoth’s class has been studying the heart and the circulatory system. Here are some pictures of students carrying out heart dissections, in order to investigate the structure of the heart and how it is able to pump blood all around the body.
Sharples Primary
As part of their STEM club, students from Sharples Primary were invited into our laboratories to learn all about flame tests with Mr. McCann. Here are some photos of students using Bunsen burners to investigate the different colours produced by different elements.
Educake Update
Congratulations to all students who completed their home learning this week. Top scorers this time were:
Year 9 – Marizhka Jones, Nimra Mehmood, Aimee Kay, Mariya Patel, Alizah Afzal, Mantasha Mansur and Joshua King.
Year 10 & 11 – Sadiya Khan, Ifra Rehman, Imaan Hassan, Fatimah Ismail, Raeesa Mank and Zainulabidin Mohmed.
Revision opportunities
With Year 11 PPEs just after half term, it is essential that students are making the most of the revision provision that is on offer.
CGP revision guides are on sale at a discounted price. These are available to both Year 11 and Year 10 students. The guides can be purchased via MCAS. Any queries, please speak to Mrs. Singleton.
Physics, Biology and Chemistry Clinics are available during lunchtimes Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Teachers will provide support with whichever topic you would like help with.
ALS continues on Thursdays. Students have really impressed the science department with their efforts and commitment during these sessions. We impress upon students the importance of maintaining this attitude throughout the year.
Other sources of online revision can be found on the following websites:, Educake, Seneca and Isaac physics. Mr. Simpson’ linktree page also has lots of links to additional resources:
Space news
Look out for a Partial Solar Eclipse on Wednesday, October 25th. The Moon will pass between the Sun and Earth, blocking part of the Sun from view. This will occur at 10:06 am. Do not look directly at the Sun! Use solar glasses when observing the eclipse.
Mr. Fowlds – Science Enrichment Coordinator