STEM club
Students in the STEM club have been busy getting creative with science. Last week they were making lava lamps using water, vegetable oil and an antacid. This week, they have been building paper roller coasters for marbles (see right), in order to explore the physics involved and investigating how the design can be changed to make the most exciting ride.

Animal Care
We have been joined by some new arrivals in Animal Care, as we have new guinea pigs (pictured below)! The pigs will be looked after by the animal care students as part of their course and students will learn how to ensure our new resident pets need to be fed, cleaned and generally looked after. Miss Booth says the guinea pigs have settled in well in their new home and the students are excited to get to know them better.

Science in the theatre
Year 8 were treated to a science lesson in the theatre, where Miss Molyneux was teaching them about the history of the periodic table and how Dmitri Mendeleev was instrumental in ordering elements into the Periodic Table we know today. Students were invited to participate, getting involved by dressing up and acting out different elements.
Space news
The DART mission, which saw a space probe deliberately crash into an asteroid has been confirmed to have been a complete success. The asteroid was observed to have changed direction. This raises hopes for using a similar method in the future, should there be an asteroid heading towards Earth.
Educake update
Top scores this week.
Year 10 and 11 – Sadiya Khan, Solomon Baffour Boateng, Zahnay Malji, Amreen Matadar, Grace Grundy, Ibrahim Essa, Mahnoor Khan & Khadijah Alli
Year 9 – Marizhka Jones, Nimra Mehmood, Aimee Kay, Mariya Patel, Alizah Afzal & Joshua King

Congratulations and well done to everyone who completed the quiz again this week.
Mr. Fowlds – Science Enrichment Coordinator