Year 10 Conservation Careers Talk
This Thursday, Miss Fairhurst hosted a virtual careers talk for our Year 10 students. The talk was presented by Ellie Diambro-Denson, who is a monitoring officer for the Cairngorms Connect project. Cairngorms Connect is a partnership of neighbouring land managers, committed to a bold and ambitious 200-year vision to enhance habitats, species and ecological processes across a vast area within the Cairngorms National Park. Ellie talked about how to get into a career in conservation, as well as taking a Q&A session afterwards.
Year 10 Space Careers Conference
For those of you interested in exploring the diversity of careers in the Space sector, there is a free online careers conference specifically for Year 10 students this Saturday 11th December 10:30-12:30.
Simply click the link to register:
Asteroid Nereus
Also this Saturday, there will be a near-Earth flyby of Asteroid Nereus (but don’t panic, it will not impact us!). Tune in to the latest episode of our podcast, in association with Bolton College (see the back pages for details), to find out more…
Mr J. Harding – Science Enrichment Coordinator