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Ms Molyneux’s End of Half Term Letter

By 25 October 2024No Comments

Dear Parent/Carer,

We have come to the end of the first half term of 2024-25 and I would like to update you on the many accomplishments of the Sharples Family over the past 8 weeks.

Our new Year 7 students have settled in extremely well, attending over 30 different clubs so far, and achieving a record number of reward points. This week we launched the legendary Year 7 Sleep at the Deep trip and there are many excited and expectant students signed up to sleep in an aquarium in January just as hundreds of Sharples pupils have done before!

This half term we held our first Sharples Association PTA meeting since Covid, with lots of new members, and a number of parent volunteers coming along this week to help with our annual Diversity Day to raise funds for Oxfam.  There are lots of events in the pipeline and if you think you can get involved, then please just get in touch.

We have organised a number of excellent trips for students over recent weeks, with Y10 maths pupils visiting world renowned accountants Price Waterhouse Coopers, and Y11 GCSE History students supplementing their studies with a trip to Hardwick Hall.  This weekend, 95 Year 11 students will set off for a week-long trip to Spain where they will take in the sights of Barcelona, alongside revision classes for English, maths and science.

Parental Engagement is something that we are looking to do more of this year, to hear the views of our families on school issues. On Wednesday 6th November we will be holding our first Parent Forum from 14.15-15.15 in our school canteen.  This is an opportunity for parents and carers to come along and meet senior leaders to help us improve. The first theme is “Home-School Communication and Home Learning”. Refreshments will be provided and parents can collect their children at the end of the school day if they wish.

A reminder that all students should return to school for 8.40am on Monday 4th November for Autumn Term 2.  Having full attendance is extremely important and being in school every day leads to success in future examinations.

Finally, I would like to thank you for all your support and best wishes in my first half term as Headteacher. It is very much appreciated and I have thoroughly enjoyed the start of the next chapter at Sharples.

I hope that you have a relaxing half term break with your family.

Yours sincerely

Ms C Molyneux



Click here to view the original letter as a PDF.