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Maths Department Update

By 16 March 2023No Comments

Year 10 Statistics

The Year 10 Statistics students have been busy applying some of the skills they have learnt in lessons (pictured above). This week they were taste testing some drinks and snacks to collect primary data for their new research projects. 


Year 10 Maths Feast

Last week, eight Year 10 students took part in a North West Maths Feast competition testing problem-solving and teamwork skills. The students competed against students from other schools and one of the teams came 4th out of 28. Well done to all of the students who took part!


Year 7 Maths Club

Year 7 Maths Club (pictured above) was launched during STEM week, Miss Pearson and Mrs Hart will continue to run this on Thursday lunchtimes in U27.

In the first session, students applied their mathematical skills to make ‘balloon powered cars’, trying different approaches to see who could design the fastest car. Students and staff really enjoyed the session and it was great to see so many of our Year 7 students taking part, hopefully our engineers of the future! In next week’s session students will try to make the best paper helicopter.

Year 7 students wanting to join Maths Club should see their maths teacher if they need an early lunch pass.


Year 8 UKMT Club