Happy New Year! A very warm welcome back to all Sharples pupils, parents and friends. I trust you had a restful break and a peaceful new year.
It is business as usual at school and pupils have settled back in to the routines and working ethos that make Sharples the calm and focused learning environment it is. There is lots going on over the coming weeks, with Year 9 Parents Evening on 16th January followed by Options Evening the following Thursday 23rd January. We continue to raise the aspirations of all our pupils by offering them an engaging, vibrant curriculum and opportunities to access a variety of out of school activities. Already this week, a group of Year 9 pupils have visited Manchester Metropolitan University to take part in various cultural activities, from Arabic writing and dancing to origami lessons. Later this month, Miss Robinson and some of our most aspirant pupils from Year 10 and 11 will be attending an Oxbridge and Russell Group Student Conference at the Etihad Stadium to prepare them for the challenges ahead. Miss Gawne is leading a trip for Year 10 pupils to stay overnight and visit lectures at university to see what a day in the life of a student looks like to raise aspirations and encourage pupils to work hard and aim to go to university.
This is a short half-term and every lesson counts for all our pupils, especially Year 11 pupils. From today, there are only 68 school days left until GCSE exams start on 1st May! We are working hard to provide a range of Out of Hours Learning (OHL) opportunities for pupils who need extra intervention and one to one help. The Science department will be kicking off a schedule of Saturday morning sessions followed by a range of subjects very soon. These are designed to allow pupils to complete a large piece of work intensively working with their class teacher over several hours. Breakfast will be provided. There is a timetable of OHL sessions every evening after school and there will also be a programme of revision sessions planned for the Easter holidays. We hope that all Year 11 pupils will make the most of these extra opportunities to get some quality work and revision done out of lesson time and help them to feel more confident about their GCSEs in the coming months. Pre-Public Examinations (PPEs or mocks) are scheduled for maths and English in February and in March for science and foundation subjects so there is a lot of hard work ahead for Year 11s and we wish them well in their studies.
We hope you enjoy reading about life at Sharples School and that it keeps you well informed about what is going on. Wishing you all the very best for 2014,
R. Quesnel