Letter from Ms Webster (click here to view original PDF).
Dear Parent/Carer
As we approach the end of a very busy half term I wanted to share with you some of our Sharples’ successes. The Department for Education has officially published the 2018 GCSE Results and we are very proud to state that we are significantly above local and national averages across all key accountability measures. We are pleased to announce that our Progress 8 score is 0.44, which is once again one of the highest in Bolton. It is fantastic to have this recognition of the hard work and effort that our wonderful students and staff put in every day.
This half term we have also hosted a number of open events to enable the families of Year 6 pupils to see our school in action; as usual our students did us proud and were great ambassadors for our school. Over three hundred families visited Sharples for our Open Evening and their feedback has been extremely positive. I would encourage parents/carers to follow Sharples on Twitter and to read our weekly Newsletter in order to keep up to date with the numerous opportunities which are provided to support and encourage our learners.
Following the half-term break, we will be introducing some changes to our whole-school behaviour pathway in order to promote greater consistency of practice. The changes will be shared with students by Mrs Power (Assistant Head teacher – Behaviour) and a summary of the revised behaviour pathway will also be available on the school website.
We have high standards in relation to appearance at Sharples and the full uniform policy can be accessed on the school website. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that no extreme haircuts are allowed. In particular, I would like to point out that a number two cut is the shortest permitted and there should be no tramlines or patterns shaved into hair. Thank you for your anticipated support on this matter.
I hope that you all enjoy a well-earned half term break and I look forward to welcoming our students back to school no later than 8.45am on Monday, 29th October 2018.
Yours faithfully
Ms Ann Webster