On Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th July, a group of us held a greatly successful fundraiser with the aim to raise money for the Charities of ‘Medecins Sans Frontieres’ and ‘Children of Peace’. On both days combined, we raised a total of £2,700 which has exceeded our expectations. We hope it helps as much as possible and additionally we hope it makes a huge change to people’s lives.
Along with raising the impressive amount of money that we did, it also taught us a number of beneficial life skills such as communication, organisation, teamwork and time management.
With the help of many brilliant volunteers, we were able to hold many exciting events during the week for the students and raise an amazing amount of money. Firstly, Mrs Patel and a selected number of students put together a charity fundraiser which spanned over two days for all year groups. They were able to brilliantly hold a well put event even with the covid restrictions. It included many stalls which consisted of a variety of different options like a penalty shootout all the way to our most famous one, the chocolate fountain stall which was extremely popular amongst all years.
Through the fantastic efforts of Mrs Smith, the week ended with a rewards day for students and staff to enjoy. Students donated £1 to come in their own clothes, which went towards our proceedings for our two chosen charities. It was a fascinating day for us all and of course we used this opportunity to raise money through hosting several games such as ‘Sponge the Teacher’, a tuck shop and once again our favourite chocolate fountain which helped raise a considerable amount of money towards the charities.
Lastly, during sports day we decided to set up a charity stall including chocolates and ice lollies, which students bought to keep themselves refreshed during the hot, exciting day filled with inflatables and other activities. The past week has been undeniably enjoyable and not only for the students, but also for the staff.
With us raising an incredible amount of £2,700, for the charities we’re supporting, it will certainly be an understatement to say that we have surpassed our expectations. On top of that, we are sure that Sharples students enjoyed the experience, especially some of our younger pupils that may have never experienced our charity events before. Everyone on our team did an outstanding job at organising and holding the event and on our journey we learnt many important skills in life as we mentioned before. We are absolutely thrilled with the outcome as we were able to not only help positively contribute to such an important issue, but also have fun whilst doing it. Finally, we would like to thank Mrs Patel for organising and leading the charity event and helping change the lives of many people that are less fortunate than us.
-Meghna Nathoo, Mrwa Mohamedkheir & Maria Ehiamen