Moving from primary to secondary school is a rite of passage and Headteacher Rachel Quesnel wanted to do something special to welcome new Year 7 pupils to the ‘Sharples family’. “We wanted to mark the occasion by formally presenting every child with a new school tie. They then signed our home-school ‘Success Contract’ which demonstrates our commitment to working in partnership with parents and pupils”, said Rachel.
After the Tie Ceremony, parents and pupils were served high tea by Sharples staff. Pupils’ artwork and ‘first day’ poems were on display for all to enjoy with the cakes they had baked taking pride of place on every table.
Parents remarked about the event:
“This is unique and reinforces why we chose Sharples School for our child.”
“The Ceremony made the children feel special and us as parents feel special; a real part of the school community.”
“It made us feel welcome and part of the school.”