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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 16 December 2022No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7

Ashiya P has written an excellent response to an evaluation question. Click here to view the work.

Year 8

Hadiya R has shown excellent inferences and good use of Show Not Tell. Click here to view the work.

Year 9

Jack S has written a great letter. Click here to view the first page and here to view the second page.

Year 10

Abby H has shown great detail and precision in her analysis of the poem The Manhunt. Click here to view the work.

Year 11

Hamzah D has written an excellent article giving his opinion on a celebrity. Click here to view the work.


Readers of the Week

Year 7

Aeesha B for her excellent reading of her own narrative ending to the story ‘Dog, Cat, Baby’. 

Year 8

Khubaib I for reading The Hobbit. 

Year 9

Mariya P for a clear reading of chapter 10 of Frankenstein.

Year 10

Ben J for a confident reading of stave 5 of A Christmas Carol. 

Year 11

Mustafa P for his confident reading of Eric in An Inspector Calls.