On Wednesday, Sharples hosted visitors from banks, charities and businesses for a “Super Learning Day”. They shared their knowledge and skills in the field of careers and job opportunities to help our pupil improve their life skills and prepare for the world of work.
The Super Learning Day, organised by Learning Skills for Life Coordinator Robert Poole, saw pupils from Year 7-9 complete a series of workshops based around developing knowledge of the world of work; developing teamwork, employability, resilience and leadership skills.
Year 7 completed a design challenge with Mr Patel creating tea lights, Volunteers from Natwest Moneysense helped Miss Southern, Miss Liddy and Miss Hughes teach about financial planning and all Year 7 pupils received a Moneysense certificate. Other activities included: a talk by Rock FM DJ Darryl Morris; team building activities from the Bolton Lads and Girls Club and an introduction to student life and revision skills by GM higher; a paramedic demonstration (pictured) and the Key 103 careers roadshow bus.
Year 8 participated in a number of workshops hosted by Barclays Life Skills where they learnt about CVs, interview skills and research career pathways using Kudos.
Year 9 took part in the Ryman National Enterprise Challenge designing an innovative new stationary item and presenting their campaign to the whole of year 9. The winning group will now go to the finals in Birmingham next year and compete against schools across the country.
The feedback from staff and pupils was very positive and all are looking forward to the STEM Super Learning Day during STEM week in March.