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Summer Reading Bingo

By 14 July 2020June 2nd, 2021No Comments


We are delighted to launch our 2020 Summer Reading Bingo Challenge for all current Year 7 and Year 8 students. Research shows that reading for pleasure has a significant impact on attainment across the curriculum and reading during the summer will help to prevent what is known as the ‘summer slide’ which is where pupils lose academic skills, knowledge and see a decline in reading ability over the summer months when school is not in session. Reading is also brilliant for boosting confidence, for developing empathy and for escaping into fictional worlds.

The Summer Reading Bingo challenge is one of many initiatives we offer to students. The goal is to read as many books as possible that fit into different categories. Students need to write a brief review of each book they read (on lined paper or typed); the booklet has been shared with them via SMHW and their school email. They will then give their book reviews to their new English teacher in September and will receive points for each book they have read. These students will participate in a ‘lucky dip’ prize event where three pupils from each year group will win a prize.

Audiobooks also count for the challenge and it would be wonderful to listen to a book as a family. Please note that one of the categories is ‘a book that your parent/carer read as a child’, so you might reread a book from your childhood with your child!

Thank you in advance for your support of our Summer Reading Bingo challenge.