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Sharples Teacher is published in The Caterpillar

By 7 December 2021No Comments

Mr Ormsby has just been awarded the opening page in the winter issue of The Caterpillar, a quarterly print magazine for children featuring poetry, short stories and art. Included in John Hegley’s ‘Top Ten Poetry Books’ in The Guardian, the magazine is published in Dublin and stocked in bookshops from Berlin to New York.

Here’s the poem Mr Ormsby penned which caught the attention of its editor:

Seasoned Greetings

When greeting guests in Tokyo
The custom is to bow down low
While in Tibet both old and young
Say hi by sticking out their tongue
In France it’s chic to peck the cheek
And friends will clap in Mozambique
Though Greenlanders will sniff your face
Before they help you with your case
Most Eskimos rub nose to nose
In India they’ll touch your toes
And Zambians will squeeze the thumbs
Of visitors considered chums
Through handshakes, winks and nods we say
I’m pleased that you dropped by today!
And bless those friends who always know
The sign for when it’s time to go…

And here’s the link: