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Science Enrichment – Spectacular Science Show

With the postponement due to Covid until September of the Year 7 Night at the Museum trip, the Science team instead gave all Year 7 forms a ‘Spectacular Science Show’ this week, made up of some of the most exciting experiments and demonstrations that can be done safely in a school Science lab. Feedback from our students was fantastic, a fun way to end the year with a bang (quite literally)!

However, the show was not just about watching exciting demonstrations by our teachers, but our students were able to have a go at some fun experiments themselves, such as launching film canister rockets, skewering balloons (without bursting them!), how to make glow sticks and volcanic eruptions!



Thanks to all the Science team, teachers, technicians and TAs for planning, preparing and supporting the shows for our students to enjoy.


Mr J. Harding – Science Enrichment Coordinator