STEM club
This week saw the final formal STEM club of the academic year! Pupils reflected on the different projects completed, with the torch planetarium being a joint favourite, along with making cheese! The planetariums that the pupils started designing in the Autumn, are to be collected by their designers. They were over the moon to take home their stellar designs! Next year, pupils will take greater involvement in the planning of sessions, with Year 10 pupils supporting the club to further develop their leadership skills.
Science Career of the Week
This week’s career is ‘Nuclear medicine technologist’. Nuclear medicine technologists’ are responsible for performing quality assurance on nuclear medicine equipment and also treating patients with radioactive tracers. These tracers aim to target cancerous tissue and spare healthy tissue. Information about experience opportunities, providers, entry requirements and much more can be found here: Science career of the Week.
Please speak to Mr. Burke, who will provide you with more information about this, or any other, science career.
Chester Zoo Trip
On Thursday 29th Miss Booth took the Year 10 animal care class and Year 9 poster competition winners to Chester zoo. The Year 9s were free to explore the zoo all day and the Year 10s attended a workshop on Animal Husbandry (pictured) where they learned about all the factors that are taken into consideration when the keepers are designing enclosures and caring for the animals. They then visited the Sun Bear enclosure before designing their own enclosures for different animal species. Miss Booth would like to say a thank you to Mr Leather for supporting the trip and to all the pupils for their fantastic behaviour on the day.
Space News
Physicists have achieved a remarkable feat by using neutrinos, ghostly subatomic particles, to construct the first image of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Neutrinos, which possess no electric charge and can effortlessly pass through various cosmic obstacles, were combined with a decade’s worth of data from the IceCube detector in Antarctica. By employing artificial intelligence, researchers successfully identified high-energy neutrinos originating from within our galaxy and produced an unprecedented image of the Milky Way’s plane. This breakthrough not only offers insights into potential sources like remnants of supernovae and collapsed supergiant stars but also paves the way for revolutionary advancements in neutrino astronomy and our understanding of the universe.
Mr. Fowlds – Science Enrichment Coordinator