Dear Parent/Carer
As you will be aware, the Government have announced that all schools in England will reopen from Monday, 8 March. The Government has also announced that secondary schools should carry out three rounds of Lateral Flow Testing on all consenting students during the first weeks back, which is a huge undertaking for all schools.
Along with all the other protective measures we are taking at Sharples, these tests will help staff and students to remain in school safely. Up to one third of people who have Coronavirus experience no symptoms. By testing, we will help to stop the virus spread and help to keep our school open as safely as possible. The test is voluntary, but I would encourage everyone to take it.
Many of you have already given your consent for your child to be tested. However, if you have not responded yet, and if you are happy for your child to be tested, please click here and complete the form in full (one for each child you have at the school). By completing this form online, you are consenting to your child being tested in lieu of completing the consent form (see Page 3 of this letter). Please complete this as soon as possible and by Tuesday, 2 March at the latest. If you are unable to click on the link, please complete the attached form and return to school by Tuesday, 2 March at the latest. The link can also be found on the school website.
If you have previously submitted a form but wish to amend your earlier decision, or if you have any other questions, please contact us on
The “lateral flow” tests are quick and easy to use, they involve taking a self-swab of the nose and throat. Those students taking the test will be supervised by trained staff.
Results (which take around half an hour from testing) will be shared directly with the students participating. Where participants are under 16, parents or legal guardians will also be informed.
In order to enable us to carry out the first round of testing in an effective manner, and to ensure that the return to school is as safe as possible, we will be staggering the reintroduction of students into school from 8 March. The year groups will return as follows, with each day beginning promptly at 8.45am:
Year 11 – return to school on Monday, 8 March
Year 10 – return to school on Tuesday, 9 March
Year 7 – return to school on Wednesday, 10 March
Year 8 – return to school on Thursday, 11 March
Year 9 – return to school on Friday, 12 March
A full programme of distance learning will remain in place for all year groups until they return to school for face-to-face learning. In addition to this, for families who have been accessing our in-school provision, we will continue to provide this support for the children of key workers and vulnerable students throughout the week beginning Monday, 8 March.
The Government has also announced that until Easter, in the first instance, all secondary school students (except those who are exempt) must wear a mask in lessons. Please ensure that your child has a supply of suitable masks available for their return to school.
Once again, thank you for your continued support for our school, it is very much appreciated.
Yours faithfully
Ann Webster