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Reading and Q&A with Guest Author Peter Boon

By 4 March 2021June 2nd, 2021No Comments

As part of our World Book Day celebrations, on Wednesday 3rd March we welcomed author Peter Boon (pictured) for an online session to speak to, read to and answer questions from our Good 2 Great students in Years 7-10.

Eastbourne based novelist Peter, who is originally from Wigan and studied an English degree at the University of Bolton, published his first murder mystery novel a year ago. He now has a series of two novels and a novella in the top spots of the Kindle Young Adult and Teenage Crime Fiction charts and has more stories planned in his Edward Crisp Mystery series (pictured top are 4 of his best sellers).

The students gained valuable knowledge about creative writing and how to become a successful published author, as Peter shared his career path, his writing inspirations, and his experience in the industry. After reading from his debut novel, ‘Who Killed Miss Finch?’ Peter answered questions from the students about the murder mystery genre; obstacles faced and goals for the future; and tips for young aspiring authors.