Over the past few weeks, the PE department has been receiving lots of emails containing lots of pictures and information about what our students do in their spare time. It is fantastic to see so many students taking part in competitions or events that help them remain physically active. Some of the examples are below;
Joseph W in Year 9
Joseph has shared information about his role as ‘Run Director’ for a recent Junior Park Run event held in Queens Park as part of his Duke of Edinburgh award. Joseph was the first DofE student to be given this role which is a great achievement. Joseph said his role consisted of “directing and sorting out the entire run, from setting up the finish line and organisers table to doing the big group warm up and weekly announcements. I also learned how to submit the race results and stayed behind to help with them.” This is a great achievement from Joseph, one which we hope he can continue doing in the future! Well done Joseph!
Macaulay B in Year 8
Well done to Macauley in Y8 for completing the Heaton Park 5K this past weekend. Macaulay finished with a time of 37:56. Hopefully Macauley will continue this in the many more upcoming events. Another great accomplishment, Well done Macauley!
Jaxon & Maddox in Year 7
Both Jaxon & Maddox attended a kickboxing competition this past weekend competing in their relevant age and weight categories. Both students fought well with Jaxon placing 3rd in his category. This is not the first time we have been sent pictures of both students attending and we hope this will continue in the future in more of their competitions, Well done Jaxon & Maddox!
Oliver Mc in Year 7
Oliver is a very keen and talented trampolinist who often shares his videos from his competitions with the PE Department. This weekend was no different, with us receiving a video of Oliver’s performance full of twists and turns. We hope that Oliver continues with his hard work and dedication to his sport and shares his experiences with us along the way, Well done Oliver!