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Headteacher's Blog

Ofsted Report Overview

By 3 June 2019June 2nd, 2021No Comments

Dear Parent /Carer

I am pleased to share with you the final Ofsted report that outlines the findings of the inspection of Sharples which took place on Wednesday, 8 May 2019.

Click here to view report.

The report is very positive and I am delighted that the Inspectors were able to witness what I see every day, which is that Sharples is a caring, inclusive learning community where pupils achieve well.  The report also recognises that the school motto “Learn, Dream, Achieve” lies at the heart of everything we do and that our staff go the “extra mile” to support our students.  Please take the time to read the report as there is much contained within it to celebrate and take pride in.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our students, staff and Governors, as well as the wider Sharples community, for their continued support, as working in partnership benefits us all.

Yours faithfully

Ms A Webster


Click here to view as original PDF.