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Netball Tournament

By 23 March 2018June 2nd, 2021No Comments

The last netball tournament took place this Tuesday at Bolton School. It was the turn of the Year 7s. The side were strong and we were excited about the girl’s potential in the tournament. Unfortunately Miss Paradine had organised and was running the tournament, which meant she was unable to umpire the games. This was left to the member of staff from the opposing team. This did not put the girls off as they started their first match. The girls had support from a number of parents who had come to cheer them on. They did fantastically well, to say they didn’t have a teacher with them, and they should be proud. The girls had to play 6 matches in total two of which turned out to be against the winning school. This was Bolton School. The players played really well together and won three games, drew one and lost two. Given that it was their first time at a tournament, they all played extremely well and worked hard together as a team.

They should be really proud of their efforts. Well done to you all!