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Netball Report

On Tuesday afternoon, the Year 9 and 10 Netball team travelled to Bolton School to play in the first tournament of the season. Teams are drawn out of a hat and, unfortunately, we were placed in a tough draw against Bolton School, Thornleigh, Turton, Westhoughton and Ladybridge. Our first game was Ladybridge which eased us gently into the tournament; we managed to win that game 3-0. Ellie Sutton and Lois Robinson worked well together in attack. That positive start quickly changed when we were faced with Bolton School. Their passing, formations and pace of play was so impressive and was too ‘polished’ for us to compete against. That was our worst defeat. We played well against Westhoughton and managed to score 2 goals against them however, we narrowly lost 4-2. Unfortunately, we didn’t make the semi-finals but all of the girls enjoyed the experience which was the main thing. Year 8 have their tournament next Tuesday and Year 7s follow on the 20th. Good luck to the remaining teams.

Netball practice continues on a Wednesday evening. #bethebestyoucanbe