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Headteacher's BlogNews

Ms Webster’s End of Term Letter

By 29 March 2023No Comments

Dear Parent/Carer,

As we approach the end of a very busy and productive term, I want to share with you a few of our many achievements. 

This has been a crucial term for our Year 11 students as we prepare for their final exams. Our staff are offering a wide range of additional learning opportunities including Saturday sessions and, in addition, we will be offering an extensive ‘Easter School’ to support our Year 11 students. The Year 11 cohort have now completed their second round of PPE’s and the outcomes of these exams enable staff to provide targeted interventions leading into the GCSE exams. 

As usual, our commitment to our enrichment offer continues at pace, both within and beyond the school day. This term groups of Sharples students have experienced a STEM Residential in the Peak District, and engaged with an Enterprise Day working with local businesses. As a whole school, we have celebrated National Careers Week and also STEM Week with a fantastic range of enrichment opportunities. Our commitment to CEIAG has been highlighted this month with 240 of our Year 10 students engaging with face-to-face work experience placements, the feedback from employers has been excellent and our students have, as usual, been brilliant ambassadors for Sharples.

Sharples is a busy and vibrant learning community and I would encourage you to follow us on Twitter and to read our weekly newsletter in order to keep up to date with the numerous opportunities which we provide to engage our learners.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of students arriving at school fully equipped for learning. All students should have a school bag with them every day containing their books and any other learning resources they might need. They should also have stationery items, such as, a pen, a pencil and a ruler as these will be needed in the majority of lessons. Students having the correct equipment with them enables a prompt start to each lesson and ensures that learning time is maximised for the benefit of all.

School closes for the Easter break on Friday, 31 March at the normal time of 3.05pm. 

On a final note, I hope that you all enjoy a well-earned Easter break and I look forward to welcoming our students back to school, ready for a prompt start to registration at 8.45am on Monday, 17 April 2023.


Yours faithfully

Ms Webster



Click here to view the original letter as a PDF.