Dear Parent/Carer
I am writing to inform you of the arrangements for the end of term and expectations for the start of the new school year in September.
From Monday, 19 to Thursday, 22 July lessons will be as normal. Please ensure your child attends school on time every day this week for a prompt start to registration at 8.45am.
On Friday, 23 July students can attend school in non-uniform attire, school will close early at 12.45pm and all pupils will be dismissed in year group order. If your child is entitled to a free school meal, this will be available as a ‘grab bag’ to take home. If it is not possible for your child to leave school at 12.45pm, please let the Form Tutor know as soon as possible so that we can make arrangements to look after him/her until 3.05pm. The 928 and 929 bus services will operate as normal on Friday morning and they will both also be available at 12.45pm.
The inevitable impact of Covid-19 has meant that this has been a very challenging year for all schools. However, our students have shown real resilience as learners throughout and we have much to be proud of. At this point, I am hopeful that 2021-22 will be a more ‘normal’ academic year, without the restrictions of year group bubbles. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 pupils into the Sharples family in September and ensuring that they make the most of the many learning opportunities which the school offers. We will also be placing an unrelenting focus on our ‘high expectations, no excuses’ culture from September to ensure that we build on our tradition of academic success year-on-year for Sharples students.
Our high expectations extend to school uniform, as when they are wearing their uniforms, our students are ambassadors for Sharples and they showcase our values to the wider community. To maintain these high standards, I would like to draw your attention to the following statements from our Uniform Policy:
- All pupils require a school bag for books, equipment, etc.
- Shoes should be black polishable or simulated leather. Black laces only. No boots, canvas shoes or trainer style shoes, including branded sports makes, for example (but not limited to) Nike, Adidas, Reebok, Converse and Vans
- Make-up, jewellery and nail varnish must not be worn for school. If ears are already pierced, one small, plain stud may be worn in each earlobe
For full details of our Uniform Policy, please refer to the school website –
In the “Information” section on the website you will also find Information Packs which contain a wealth of useful information to support you in the new academic year.
In September 2021 we are launching a new platform with the provider BROMCOM called MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) to communicate and engage with parents. This will replace the School Gateway system which is currently in place.
MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) is an online portal that enables parents to view information about their child via any modern web browser or App (for android or ios). MCAS supports excellent communication between home and school and has many practical benefits, for example; the ability to manage payments securely online for all kinds of school activities. You will receive your invitation to sign up for the MCAS system at the end of August with full instructions provided to support the process. Please note that the School Gateway system will not be accessible from Wednesday, 21 July and that all payments currently on the School Gateway system will be migrated to MCAS prior to the start of the new term in September 2021.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support for our school, and remind you of the following key dates:
- Year 7 students will start on Tuesday 7,September, they should arrive no later than 8.40am to ensure a prompt start to the school day at 8.45am
- Year 10 and Year 11 students will return on Wednesday 8,September, they should arrive no later than 8.40am to ensure a prompt start to the school day at 8.45am
- Year 8 and 9 students will return on Thursday 9,September, they should arrive no later than 8.40am to ensure a prompt start to the school day at 8.45am
I will write to you towards the end of the summer holidays with details of any updates that you need to be aware of. I hope you have a safe and restful summer and I look forward to welcoming your child back to Sharples for the start of the new school year.
Yours sincerely
Ms A Webster
Click here to view the original letter as a PDF.