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Maths Department Update

Year 7 MathsFest winners

Before half term, all Year 7 (some of whom are pictured above) students took part in Maths Fest, working in teams of 2 or 3 in their maths classes to solve a series of problems and puzzles. The winners of each class went through to a final which took place on the last Friday before half-term. The teams all displayed excellent team-work and problem solving skills, and we are pleased to announce the winners as follows

Zainub U
Ayesha P
Aisha I
Josh K
Kareemah M
Hooriyah G

Year 9 Maths Competition – Design a board game

Year 9s were set a challenge over half-term to design maths-related board games which would challenge and engage Year 7s. We received a wonderful set of entries, as shown. Congratulations to Hatim K and Sherjeel I for the amazing Mathopoly board game (above right). A lot of effort had clearly gone into it.


Year 10 Maths competition – Bake off challenge

Year 10s were set a challenge of baking 8 maths muffins over half-term. The muffins had to be identical and of course delicious! Congratulations to the winner Ayesha V – the maths department enjoyed testing all the entries (as pictured above left)!