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Mathematician of the Month – May

Every month a student is nominated from each of the maths classes as Mathematician of the Month. These students are nominated based on their hard work, enthusiasm and efforts within the lesson. 

Shown here are some of the nominees for May.  The full lists of nominees for each year group are below – well done to them all!

Year 7

Jayden O
Alexia H
Ashiyah P
Blayze-Elvis M
Safira T
Elliot G
Afia Z
Sakeenah S
Khadijah M

Year 8

Khadijah V
Tom D
Tom W
Rayhan D
Summayyah V
Maya A
Kulsoom P
Zak I
Abigail H

Year 9

Dante M
Daniel W
Farah D
Khalil L
Zach H
Erin A
Leon A
Sohan P
Joshua K

Year 10

Safa T
Ayaan H
Muhammad P (10E)
Hadia A
Hadia K
Maria S
Raif M
Joseph H
Abdullahi A