Dear Parent/Carer
I hope that you and your family are well. The start to the new academic year has been very positive. Our students have embraced school routines and are maximising their learning opportunities through positive engagement with their timetabled lessons and enrichment activities. Our new Year 7 students have made the most of our annual Fresher’s Week by signing up for a wide range of clubs and by attending our Fresher’s Disco.
As you know, we have launched a new platform with the provider BROMCOM called MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) to communicate and engage with parents. MCAS is an online portal that enables parents to view information about their child via any modern web browser or App. As with the launch of any new system, we have experienced some ’teething problems’ and I would like to thank you for your patience as we have worked through these issues.
We have now resolved all MCAS issues linked to lunch money and payments for trips. Can I please remind you to ensure that your child’s school meal account remains topped up via MCAS, or, by using the payment machines in school which do accept cash. If you have any queries linked to MCAS please do not hesitate to contact us, stating your child’s name, form group and giving an outline of your question by emailing
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind you that Friday, 1 October is a staff training day therefore the school will be closed to all students. Also, on Thursday, 30 September school will finish at 2.15pm to enable us to set up for Open Evening, our school buses will be available at this earlier time. Please let us know if you need us to provide supervision for your child until 3.05pm on this date.
Finally, I would like to thank you for your continued support for our school. It is very much appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Ms A Webster