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Information Regarding Uniform

By 8 January 2018June 2nd, 2021No Comments

Dear Parent/Carer

At the start of the new term, I would like to take the opportunity to remind you of our uniform policy, which is also outlined on our website and in the student planner.  We insist on high standards of uniform at Sharples and, should your child not be wearing the correct school uniform, a sanction of isolation will be imposed.  I really appreciate your support on this matter.



With regards to footwear, we are aware that many shoe manufacturers are now producing trendy hybrid type footwear and marketing them as school shoes which makes it difficult determining what is acceptable for school.

In order to assist you in the selection of acceptable footwear, please refer to the examples shown as a visual guide (see original letter, here, for image).  It is impossible to provide a complete list but black trainers (eg, Adidas Flux, Nike Air Max, Huarache), Converse or plimsoll type footwear is not acceptable.



Trousers for boys and girls must be tailored; fashion styles including straight leg or skinny are not permitted nor are denim fabrics.

Please be aware that, whilst high street shops may advertise both skirts and trousers as schoolwear, many styles do not meet our uniform standards.


Make-up, Piercings and Jewellery

Can I remind you that we do not allow make-up, jewellery or nail varnish.  If your child already has an ear piercing, only one small plain stud can be worn in each earlobe.  Under no circumstances are any other body piercings allowed, eg, nose studs, tongue studs or additional ear piercings.


If you are unsure about any item of uniform, please contact the school for advice.


Yours faithfully

Ms A Webster


Click here to view the original letter.