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Headteacher's Blog

Goodbye from Mrs Quesnel

By 5 April 2017June 2nd, 2021No Comments

Dear parents/carers/pupils,

I am writing to let you know that I will be leaving Sharples at the end of the Easter term on Friday 7th April. I am going to be Headteacher at a Roman Catholic high school in Stockport which is near to where I live.

I have loved my time at Sharples and I will miss it very much. It is a very special place and the pupils and staff are really special too. All the staff work so hard to provide engaging learning experiences for children so they can achieve their best. I have tried to improve the way that the local and wider community perceive Sharples and I think I have achieved this. The reason I did this was because I knew straight away that Sharples School was a good school with excellent teachers and lovely, caring pupils, and the world just needed to know it! The uniform looks great and we always celebrate our success so everyone can see and appreciate the wonderful things that happen every day at Sharples School. Standards have risen and continue to rise every year, even if the government makes it more difficult to understand the measures, we know that the targets we set our pupils, and how we track their progress – works. Last year, our leavers made better progress than the vast majority of Y11 pupils in Bolton (we were 4th for Progress 8), and the class of 2017 are destined for success too. I wish each and every one of Year 11 the very best in their forthcoming GCSE’s and would love to see them get their certificates in the autumn.

Sharples is a happy school where young people thrive and staff take pride in and enjoy their teaching. Visitors comment on the ‘calm and purposeful’ ethos they witness when they come to see us and I hope this continues as the school goes from strength to strength and the Multi Academy Trust grows with it.

Mrs Webster will be acting Headteacher until governors appoint permanently in the next few months. I have every confidence that she will do a brilliant job and continue to drive up standards at Sharples for all our pupils.

I would like to thank the staff, pupils, parents, governors and friends of Sharples School for their support during my tenure and I wish Sharples every success in what promises to be a very exciting future. I would also like to thank in particular, my deputies Mrs Webster, Mr Savage and Miss Molyneux for their support and inspirational leadership across so many aspects that have made Sharples the wonderful school it is today.

Goodbye and good luck!


Rachel Quesnel.