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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 10 February 2023No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7

Fatima Y P has shown an excellent attempt at writing a persuasive speech. Click here to view the work.

Year 8

Yahya I has shown wonderful analytical skills. Click here to view the work.

Year 9

Alex C has shown some great evaluative skills. Click here to view the work.

Year 10

Elysee M has annotated Death of Naturalist brilliantly, using personal interpretations and class notes. Click here to view the work.

Year 11

Michael M P has produced an excellent essay on the character of Sheila Birling from An Inspector Calls. Click here to view the work.


Reader of the Week

Year 7

Fatimah Y P for reading and reviewing a whopping 30 books this half term!

Year 8

Tom D for his fantastic reading of Macbeth.

Year 9

Maryam P for reading Frankenstein clearly and fluently, especially the high level vocabulary.

Year 10

Eve H for reading Shakespeare aloud taking note of the punctuation and meaning of lines.

Year 11

Molly B for reading, understanding and analysing an unseen poem well.