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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 27 January 2023No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7
Henriette L has shown fantastic knowledge and understanding of the context of Animal Farm. She has been able to recall facts and key information from previous lessons with confidence and accuracy. Click here to view the work.

Year 8
Michell S for excellent annotations on the opening scene in Macbeth. Click here to view the work.

Year 9
Anna S has created a great visual synopsis of chapter 11 of Frankenstein. Click here to view the work.

Year 10
Maryam T has written an excellent article covering teenage life today. Click here to view the work.

Year 11
Isabelle M has produced brilliant essay plans based on A Christmas Carol. Click here to view the work.

Readers of the Week 

Year 7
Mohammed Zain P and Aamira H for reviewing the most books so far this half-term.

Year 8
Amaan B for his expressive reading of the fight scene against Voldemort in Harry Potter.

Year 9
Kashan A for an excellent reading of chapter 13 of Frankenstein.

Year 10
Thomas B for his excellent reading of various characters in Romeo and Juliet.

Year 11
Luke B for an incredibly perceptive reading of an extract.