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English Department’s Stars of the Week

By 7 October 2022No Comments

Work of the Week

Year 7
Leo L has written a great poem and has created a brilliant villain! Click here to read the first page and here to read the second page.

Year 8
Abdullateef A has produced an excellent analytical paragraph. Click here to read the work.

Year 9
Danielle W has written excellently about the Sublime and has annotated an extract from Frankenstein. Click here to read the first page and here to read the second page.

Year 10
Uzair A has worked excellently on crafting a response to the poem Valentine. Click here to read the work.

Year 11
Keldon O has written a brilliant analytical paragraph and has zoomed in well. Click here to read the work.


Reader of the Week

The following pupils have been highlighted as showing fluency, articulation and eloquence when reading in class.

Year 7: Imtiaz Mehr Unisa

Year 8: Syed Tahdi

Year 9: Imran Sharjeel

Year 10: Ikran Abdullahi

Year 11: Madiha Bapu