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Bolton Translation Bee 2018

By 8 June 2018June 2nd, 2021No Comments

All year 9 pupils have recently taken part in the Bolton Translation Bee. In round 1a, all pupils learnt 50 French or Spanish words in preparation for a written test. The top 5 boys and top 5 girls in each class, then took part in round 1b. This was a 1 minute timed competition. The words were chosen at random and they had to answer verbally in front of their class. The top 2 boys and top 2 girls then went in to round 2. At this stage, they had to learn a further 50 words and phrases to complete another 1 minute challenge.

The winners of round 2 are:

Sam Fullarton
Tanzeel Ahmed
Raheen Zahra
Fatima Patel

Zsolt Balint
Adnan Babariya
Fatima Mohmed
Tuba Ibrahim

The winners will now take part in round 3. Here they will compete against other schools in Bolton. Good luck to our amazing translators!