This term we launched our new reward scheme named The Sharples Excellence System. Inside and outside of the classroom, students have been collecting reward points for:
Academic Achievement
Community Involvement and Citizenship
Excellence and Going Above and Beyond
We have used the acronym ACE as we hope to inspire all students to be ACE in all of their educational endeavours.
Many students have already been rewarded weekly with early lunch passes; snacks, chocolates and drinks; and praise text messages home.
This week 400 students have enjoyed reward activities including: swimming, football, dodgeball, a film and a pamper party.
This term’s highest points achievers are:
Year 7 – Ayesha Policewala
Year 8 – Meghna Nathoo
Year 9 – Falhado Ahmad Ibrahim and May Babikir
Year 10 – Amoni Ndabarishe
Year 11 – Elsie Akowuah