By Miss Fletcher, Head of Art.
The Art department had a fantastic response to our Art Festival of Hope exhibition. Students and staff worked hard on making their individual pieces of artwork to share with our community. We are so proud of all of the hard work that has gone into making the artwork. Thank you to the staff at Asda Bolton and at Bolton Hospice for the fantastic display that they have put together. It has been great to showcase the artistic talents of our pupils and to share our vision of hope and spread some cheer amongst our community. I think this heart felt piece of writing by Khadijah in Year 7 summarises the Art exhibition perfectly.
These past few months have been very difficult for the entire population. However, we have tried to come through this pandemic by working together. We have been through happy times and sad times and that has helped us to improve individually and as a community. It has brought us together as one nation regardless of our backgrounds, ethnicity, race, belief, or gender. We must understand that we are in this together and we must remain united. As long as we tackle this together, we will go through these times and cherish it in our memories to remember how confident, brave and patient we were.
We have all used our abilities to overcome these unprecedented times and that has drawn us closer together. Many people have worked really hard! The Queen’s words of hope have inspired all to persevere and be resolute. The Prime Minister and the government have given us regular advice and guidance during this difficult journey. Captain Tom Moore, a British Veteran, has raised phenomenal funds to support the NHS. Schools have risked lives and remained open for the vulnerable students and the children of key workers. In addition, children have continued to work remotely.
Many other people have made significant contributions during this pandemic, such as the NHS, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, supermarket workers. We all have made a difference for our safety and many have been a light to guide the mass. It is clear that we all have tried our best during these hard times and we have made a huge difference, not only to improve and help young minds grow, but we have also helped people with becoming more determined, grateful and hopeful.
So a huge thank you to everyone, especially key workers, who have chosen to help one another instead of saving their own life.
‘The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future’.
‘We will succeed and better days will come’. Khadijah P 7P1