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Amir Khan’s Boxing Academy Trip

By 20 April 2018June 2nd, 2021No Comments

Sharples PE department are always looking to offer new sports and activities to students during curriculum time and also through extra-curricular clubs. At the start of the year, Mr Dadabhai set up a boxing club (on a Monday after school) and it has been extremely popular across all year groups. Due to the high numbers 2 sessions were set up each week, with Year 7 and 8 on a Monday and 9 and 10 on a Wednesday. During their training, students have learnt fundamental skills in boxing whilst improving their fitness levels.

As a reward for pupils that regularly committed to the club each week, students were asked to attend Amir Khan’s Boxing Academy this week. 35 students attended over 2 visits and the department plan on running the sessions over the coming weeks this term. Whilst there, students had the opportunity to train using specialist equipment and even engage in some supervised sparring in the ring if they chose to do so. They were fantastic sessions which were made even more memorable when Amir Khan came to meet both groups after he’d finished training. He had finished his training in preparation for his upcoming fight this Saturday night against American Phil Lo Greco at the Echo Arena in Liverpool.

As all pupils attending will testify, boxing is an incredible sport to increase fitness levels. Regardless of whether people want to get in a ring, the sport can be used as an excellent way to improve health and well being.