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Academic Lectures this Week

By 29 November 2019June 2nd, 2021No Comments

On Monday, Year 11 travelled to the Royal Infirmary in Manchester to hear the Cardiac Postgraduate Student Team (pictured above right) deliver their Christmas lecture “The Heart, things you AORTA know”. The interactive lecture took us on a journey through the heart, circulatory system and diseases of these vital organs. Well done to all students who attended. It was excellent revision for the Triple Science GCSE.

On Wednesday, a group from Years 8-10 (pictured above left) attended a lecture and book signing at Bolton School delivered by Professor Alice Roberts. Her new book, “Tamed: Ten species that changed the world”, is all about evolution and human influence on animals such as dogs. The group bought a copy of the book for our school library and had it personally signed and dedicated to Sharples School!