Letter to pupils, parents/carers and staff from our caterers; Mellors Catering Services.
Hello to Pupils, Parents / Carers and Staff
Mellors Catering Services are delighted to be your on-site caterer. Mellors (a family owned business) runs over 160 catering sites, 60% of which are schools and colleges in the north of England. We directly employ all the on-site catering staff and enjoy working with the catering team to develop the food on offer. With all the exciting changes and challenges in educational catering and some confusing messages about healthy eating in the media; we thought we would write to you at this time to introduce ourselves and our approach to healthy eating.
As you may know, there are new challenges in the school catering for contract caterers such as Mellors. If you want more information take a look at our website www.mellorscatering.co.uk or leave a message on our customer hotline T. 07947 730 620
As one of the leading caterers in this field, we have been working with local authorities on the development of new menus that meet the new nutritional guidelines that came into effect from September 2009.
Our new menus cover all the nutritional requirements to provide a balanced diet. This includes a balance of some 14 nutritional elements from carbohydrate and protein content, to zinc and iron content.
Once weekly menus are delivered to the pupils, we assess the popularity of choices within these menus. We then reassess their content in light of the sales across all Mellors schools. We use an IT nutritional system that analyses all menu items to give a balanced nutritional content report. This is the background to our menu planning and sourcing of ingredients from our suppliers.
Nutritional content of food messages can be misleading and confusing in its relation to informed health choices. Therefore for our customers we don’t talk about the nutritional content of food and recommended daily guidelines; instead we talk about a balanced approach to eating through the correct choice of food groups (as per DfE guidelines).
If your son or daughter has specific dietary needs or has certain food allergies, or for more general information, please contact your Catering Manager, Denise Finn or Area Manager, Nikki Marriott on 07891 550 625 or email on nikkim@mellors.co.uk
Mellors Catering Services,
Lancashire Manor,
Prescott Road,
Nr Wigan,
For more information about the canteen, menu, prices and payments, please see the ‘Canteen Information‘ page of the school website.