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UK Maths Challenge

By 25 June 2019June 2nd, 2021No Comments

This year 190 students across years 7, 8, 9 and 10 took part in the UK Maths Challenge. Years 7 and 8 completed the junior challenge whilst Year 9 and 10 completed the intermediate challenge. This was Sharples best set of results yet! Altogether, we won 54 certificates which was a fantastic achievement!

In Year 7, Ayyan Atif was awarded Gold. Alex Wood, Graice Cross, Imaan Hassan and Zainul Mohmed were awarded Silver.

In Year 8, Dylan Breward and Tashana Dalhouse were awarded Gold. Maria Ehiamen, Sania Mahmoud, Ummihani Mohmed, Elliot Whittle and Leighton Kennedy were awarded Silver.

In Year 9, Muhammad Dawood, Ellesha Leach and Zaeem Kauji were awarded Silver.

In Year 10, Shamail Aurang was awarded Gold. Sam Fullarton, Ibrahim Ali, Muhammad Shabbir and Leon Haslam were awarded Silver.

Well done to everyone who took part and congratulations to everyone who won a certificate!