Students have been taking part in theory sessions during their core PE lessons since the start of term. The new title for the subject, PE, Health and Character, has been broken down and the department aims highlighted. The opportunity to go into the classroom has given students a chance to reflect on their health and upon the importance of diet on health and wellbeing.
Next week, students will get the opportunity to return to practical lessons and attend after school clubs; although there is less variety under the current climate, the department will add to the timetable over the academic year.
It will be fantastic to see the students physically active during lessons and the department has been encouraging pupils to engage in an active lifestyle outside of school.
The Borough has recently produced a web page, acting as a directory of sports clubs in the area. The website is
Clubs for different sports are listed there and you can then be guided to their web page for further information, have a look and see what is being offered near you.