At the beginning of the summer term we launched our distance learning reward system, Sharples Stars. Like the Excellence System that we have in school, staff award points for: Academic achievement and effort; contributions to the school Community; Excellence and going above and beyond in their learning and citizenship. Each week the student with the most star points in each year group has received a box of chocolates to their home. The end of term prizes for the top students will include Love to Shop Vouchers and our new A.C.E blazer lapel badges to wear with pride on their return to school.
See image below for reward details:
We have also launched a series of community challenges to inspire our students to make positive contributions in their homes and to our school’s wider community. These have been shared with all students and staff via school email accounts and on our school Twitter page. The intention is that we can still share kindness, happiness, and community spirit despite social distancing measures. The challenges have been varied: from respectful rainbows and clapping; helpful home chores; neighbourly acts of kindness to fun toilet roll footballing skills and riveting reading recommendations. Many of our students and staff have delighted us with their positive contributions.
See below for some of the highlights: